Story Time
True meaning of Christmas
Sunday, December 25, 2016
It's the most wonderful time of the year, indeed. A day full of joy and happiness. Presents, cookies, Christmas tree, decorations, foods, all is well, all is perfect. But sometimes we just focus about the festive celebrations, and forget about the true meaning of Christmas. We often forget about Him who had came from heaven becoming a human being to save all of our lives. Christ is the true meaning of Christmas (that's why it's called Christmas, because without Christ, it's just a mas). So have you thanked Him today? We don't need to do a lot of things or take a lot of time to thank Him, we can take just less than five minutes to pray, as our gratitude for what He has done. You know, He has gave His entire life at the cross so we can live, but why can't we give a little time to thank Him? However i hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas. Cheers!

Bonus: here's a short clip from my church's 2016 Christmas celebrations.

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