Bangkok Street View

   Besides having the same time zone, Bangkok and Jakarta have so many similarities, especially in the city ambience. In my opinion Ba...

   Besides having the same time zone, Bangkok and Jakarta have so many similarities, especially in the city ambience. In my opinion Bangkok street view is quite similar with Jakarta. They are both huge-mega cities with beautiful skyline and tall buildings. When I was walking on the streets of Bangkok somehow I felt like I was on the streets of Jakarta. The traffic on both cities are chaotic, but I have to admit Jakarta's traffic is still worse than Bangkok. *sigh*

   One thing that really got my attention the first time I visited Thailand was the number of royal portraits displayed on the streets. Major streets and roadways in towns and cities throughout the country also display the Thai national flag alongside portraits of the Thai King and Queen. Thai royalty also have their own individual flags with their particular royal insignia and this flag is often flown or displayed alongside the image. It's just really cool how Thai people respect their king & queen. 

    Anyway, here are some interesting things of Bangkok's streets based on my experience, compared to Jakarta:

  • You get to hear less horns in Bangkok, people tend to not honk no matter how bad the traffic. 
  • The ratio between the number of motorcycles compared to cars is higher in Jakarta. 
  • Bangkok is more pedestrian friendly.  Well some parts of Jakarta are also pedestrian friendly, but the other parts are not really convenient enough for pedestrians.
  • Bangkok is cleaner and more neat. As long as I was walking on the sidewalk in Bangkok, I didn't see any littering garbage. Also, unlike Jakarta, there were no street vendors, beggars, or buskers wandering in the middle of the street. 

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